The Healthy Mind Platter for Greater Wellbeing
Struggling with low mood, lack of energy, or concentration issues? The Healthy Mind Platter can help you overcome any blocks holding you back!
The Healthy Mind Platter was created by psychologists David Rock & Dan Siegel and contains seven essential mental activities necessary for optimum mental health every day. These seven daily activities make up a complete set of 'mental nutrients' that support your brain to function at its best. By engaging daily in each of these servings, you nurture your brain activities and strengthen your brain's internal connections with others.
Here are 7 therapist-recommended daily activities to nurture your mind, body, and spirit:
Diagram created by psychologists David Rock & Dan Siegel. Click to enlarge!
1- Focus Time
When we closely focus on tasks in a values-oriented way and take on small goals that stimulate us, we make deep connections in the brain.
Ways to practice Focus time:
Finish a project at work
Read a chapter of a book
Listen to a podcast intently
Immerse yourself in a hobby, you enjoy- e.g., Playing guitar
2- Play Time
When we nurture ourselves to be spontaneous, playful, or creative, we boost our mood and help make new connections in the brain.
Ways to practice Playtime:
Playing with your children or pets
Painting a picture
Watching a Disney movie
Going somewhere new
3- Connecting Time
When we connect with others, we care about (ideally in person), this acts as a buffer against loneliness and isolation. We also activate and reinforce the brain's relational circuitry by appreciating our connection to nature through walking, cycling, or admiring a sunset.
Ways to practice Connecting Time:
Going for a swim in the sea
Walking in the forest
Checking in with yourself throughout the day 'How am I feeling?', 'What do I need to do to support myself?'
Practicing mindfulness
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4- Physical Time
When we move our bodies through stretching, dancing, or cardio, we strengthen the brain in numerous ways.
Ways to practice Physical Time:
Practicing yoga
Doing stretches at your desk
Going for a jog
Dancing to your favourite song
5- Time In
By spending time alone in quiet reflection, focusing on our emotions, sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts, we improve our self-awareness and help to better integrate the brain.
Ways to practice Time In:
Pausing throughout the day and connecting with your breath
Making space for your emotions by noticing them and letting them be there for a couple of seconds
Grounding yourself throughout the day
6- Down Time
When we are non-focused, not focusing on goals, and allowing our mind to wander or relax, we help the brain recharge.
Ways to practice Downtime:
Watching a sitcom that doesn't require much thought or energy
Listening to your favourite song
Scribbling doodles onto a page
Lying in your bed and relaxing
7- Sleep Time
When we support our brain by giving it the rest it needs, we integrate learning and recuperate from the day's experiences.
Ways to practice Sleep Time:
Hitting the snooze button for an extra ten minutes
Winding down before bed by listening to your favourite mindfulness audio
Box Breathing
Sleeping with no distractions (turn off the phone, don't sleep with your pets in the bed, and turn off lights) to get better REM sleep
Although the Healthy Mind Platter recommends doing the seven essential activities every day, if you lead a hectic lifestyle and can't focus on all seven, that is fine too. Pick one or two activities from the platter to practice as you get started. Each activity is a building block to wellbeing; by taking one small step, you will find once you have created one habit, it is easier to build another. Then over time, your platter will become fuller and fuller, which will boost your vitality and nourish your mind.
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