7 Life Changing Reasons to Try Talk Therapy

Woman doing online therapy at home

Psychotherapy works. Research shows that 75% of people who receive psychotherapy experience symptom relief and are better able to function in their lives. Psychotherapy has been shown to improve emotions and behaviors and to be linked with positive changes in the brain and body. The benefits also include fewer sick days, less disability, fewer medical problems, and increased work satisfaction.

Here are 7 life changing reasons to try Talk Therapy.

1. Therapy’s effects are long lasting

A huge benefit of talk therapy is that its effects are long-lasting. This is because you’re not only working through stuff, but you’re also developing the tools to help you deal with future stuff. 

2. Physical symptoms get treated as well.

Psychological trauma can trigger physical symptoms – and depression and anxiety are well known to have significant, and sometimes debilitating, physical effects. Going to therapy can help these issues fade away. 

3. Repressed emotions will come back to haunt you later on.

The most serious drawback of not talking about things may be that unexpressed feelings and traumas can pile up and explode later. Lots of people avoid talking about their feelings about a whole host of things. But repressing or damping down one’s feelings doesn’t make the feelings go away. If anything, they linger and fester, only to explode when an innocuous comment is made.

7 Life Changing Reasons to Try Talk Therapy • Fettle

4. It will give you a whole new perspective on other people.

An amazing benefit of therapy is that it not only helps you understand yourself better but it helps you understand other people. When we hold negative thoughts in without processing them, they become ingrained so that we see the world through that lens – and we make lots of assumptions that may or may not be true.

5. It helps you deal with future challenges.

Since big and small problems are going to come up from time to time, knowing how to deal with them in a healthy way is an essential skill. Conflict is a part of everyday life. It's helpful to be aware of one’s feelings around conflict. you are in a better position to resolve the conflict. Talking things through with someone and reflecting on what feelings are evoked, and why, leads to a greater understanding of oneself. 

6. You know you’re not alone.

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Seeing a psychotherapist is comforting just knowing that you have a built-in support structure that you can go to once a week. And, if you’re so inclined, joining a support group for people grappling with similar issues as you – say, addiction – can be very helpful. 

7. It will rewire your brain.

One of the coolest things about therapy is that it can bring about change at the level of the brain. We think of medication as changing the depressed brain, but there’s very compelling evidence that talk therapy does the same. With brain imaging methods, psychotherapy has been shown to alter activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala. These areas are involved in self-referential “me” thoughts concerning emotion and fear.


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You can also read our client reviews here on Trustpilot.


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Know the difference: Psychology versus Psychotherapy.