The Four Building Blocks for Men’s Mental Health

This Men's Health Health Awareness Month is the perfect time to spark joy and ensure that you are taking care of yourself.

Men face special challenges in maintaining their mental well-being, especially since they often feel like they are expected to suppress their emotions more than women. But men need therapy and other healthy outlets, too.

Fettle offers convenient, affordable online counselling here in Ireland, but there are also many ways to build more fun and connection into your daily life on your own. These tips also foster resilience and can have many extra health benefits.

Mental Health America states the four building blocks to joy are:

  • Connect with yourself.

  • Connect with others.

  • Connect to your community.

  • Create joy and satisfaction.

Connect with yourself.

Connecting with yourself daily is essential to optimal wellbeing. Our emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental health are related. By connecting with ourselves, we can make a plan to nurture and support ourselves throughout the day. 

Some connecting with yourself tips include:

  • Ask yourself, 'How am I? And what do I need? By checking in with yourself, you can notice what is showing up for you (e.g., stress, anxiety, boredom, etc.) and can make a plan to support yourself (did a warm cup of tea, go for a walk, talk to a loved one)

  • Checking in with yourself and journaling down your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

  • Carving out some me-time. Build a sense of belonging. Connect with those you care about regularly.

  • Practising Mindfulness: This can be through pausing and scanning your body for areas of tension, engaging in meditation, or savouring a cup of coffee. 

  • Try to do something you enjoy every day. That might mean dancing, watching a favourite TV show, engaging with hobbies you enjoy, or being creative through painting or gardening.

  • Find ways to relax. Walk-in nature, do gentle stretches, get a massage. 


Connect with others and your community.

4 friends sitting on a cliff in the mountains

Spending time with those you care about eases loneliness, isolation, stress and boosts your mood and overall wellbeing. You can spend talking with family, friends, a therapist, or with members of community groups. There are also free helplines like the Samaritans where you can call and talk you someone who can offer you support if you are struggling. 

Connecting with others and the community ideas:

  • Getting active in your local community by joining a local sports club or volunteering for a local cause such as Tidy Towns. 

  • Meeting with friends regularly.

  • Reaching out for support through counselling or peer group support if needed. 

  • Keeping in contact with family members. 


Cultivate Joy & Satisfaction 

Studies have shown that connecting with hope can boost problem-solving, stress management, protect against illness, and assist us in thinking more flexibly. By building positive experiences into your day, you will improve your quality of life and overall wellbeing. 

Some tips for enjoying life and relaxing:

  • Connect with your inner child. Engage in activities you enjoyed as a child, like skipping or hopscotch and experiment with finger paints.  

  • Try something fun and new. For example, take a class in the community, go on a tour or try improv.

  • Watch a comedy show or movie to get you laughing.

  • Connect with nature: Going for a walk in your local forest or park will boost your mood and improve your physical wellbeing. 

  • Go for a massage or practice self-massage. Getting a massage relieves muscle tension and boosts your immune system. It will also help you destress.

We suggest picking one or two of the activities from this blog to try out as you get started. Each activity is a building block to joy; by taking one small step, you will find that once you have created one habit, it is easier to build another. Then over time, you will have positive experiences built into your day that will boost your satisfaction, vitality and nourish your body, mind, and soul.

Our qualified online counsellors can help you develop a plan for creating more joy and satisfaction in your life. What are you waiting for?


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