Benefits of online therapy

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

Online therapy is proven to be as effective, if not more effective than face to face therapy. For some, traditional therapy is their choice because they haven’t yet experienced the freedom that online therapy offers. However, with Covid-19 we have seen 10 years of digital adoption in the last 10 months; and people are embracing online therapy as a way to keep emotionally connected in a world where being electronically connected just isn't enough.

If you’re on the fence about whether online therapy is right for you, consider these positive benefits.

A more comfortable way of communicating 

With traditional therapy, the experience has remained relatively unchanged since psychotherapy’s inception in the late 1800s. You arrive at a location, have a seat on the couch, and talk with your therapist about your challenges. Afterwards you depart and see each other a week or two later. Same time, same place.

Online therapy opens a new more convenient and flexible way to communicate, and doesn’t require that you leave the comforts of your home or office. If you want to have a session with your therapist in your pajamas — that’s your choice!

Therapy on your terms, tailored to you!

In the past people have had to make plans around visiting a therapist weekly. This involves a commute to the therapist’s office, which, depending on your location can take up to an hour more each way. Often this occurs at a time that works best for the therapist’s schedule, not the client’s. For those with hectic, unbalanced lives, scheduling a traditional therapy session becomes prohibitive — especially for those who must arrange for childcare and incur its associated financial and time costs. The end result is that those who could benefit most from therapy may never explore the option.


Online therapy allows you to set the time, location, and initial direction of the therapeutic relationship. It’s a freedom that puts you, the client seeking mental health solutions, first.

Man with dramatic surprise face surrounded by papers • Fettle Online Therapy

As was mentioned, making time to see a therapist can be the most difficult logistical challenge to solve. There’s no “office” in online therapy — your session is wherever you have access to an internet connection. Fettle users have therapy sessions in their cozy beds, at a sunny park, or anywhere they feel comfortable enough to communicate with their therapist. 

Online Therapy is Unique to Your Needs

Matching with the right therapist is critical to your therapy’s success. Your challenges as an individual extend beyond your mental health and into your lifestyle or career. Talkspace therapists are experienced in providing solutions across many mental health diagnoses and life scenarios.

With online therapy, you’re not limited to a small pool of therapists within a 20 mile radius. Local therapists also may not be equipped to manage your unique personal challenges, and if they are, finding a fit requires extensive research and consultation to make sure the relationship will be productive for you both.

It’s Cost Effective

Fettle believes in the power of regular therapy. But up until now building a weekly therapy session into your life is cost prohibitive. Fettle addresses this by giving you three options. Individual sessions, a discounted package or bundle of 6 sessions and a monthly membership plan which gives an even more discounted rate on each session. You can find out more here.

Online Therapy is Entirely Confidential

While Fettle’s mission is to reduce stigma around seeking mental health solutions, we understand that stigmas still exist on many levels — especially locally. In some communities, being seen entering a therapist’s office will make you subject to gossip or judgement. This is another common, prohibitive reason some don’t seek therapy.

From a technological standpoint, online therapy solutions offer a level of security and confidentiality on par with major world banks. Communications between clients and therapists are fully encrypted. Even in the event of a breach, attackers would simply see scrambled characters with no ability to trace the data back to the user.

Group of happy millennials making online therapy appointments on smart phones

I Think I’m Ready for Online Therapy. What’s Next?

If you feel you’re ready for online therapy, you’ll join countless others who have already made the important decision to prioritize their mental health. Thankfully, the next steps to begin your therapy sessions are easy.

All types of therapy can be arranged online. For example:

In Fettle’s case, you will simply review which of our therapists you feel will be the best possible match for you. The therapists areas of expertise, therapeutic approach and a full bio are all listed. Once you begin you can decide with your chosen therapist how to manage your therapy around your schedule and to your specific needs. We wish you the best as you begin your online therapy journey!


10 Reasons to Try Therapy